what is 100 words

11:38 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
So, the question is how much is 100 words really? Well, outside of the obvious answer of 100, it would be four times this amount. Not so very dreadfully bad really. I’m at 33 already. BTW, I’ve decided to create this blog in the hopes that it will motivate daily bouts of creativity… who knows, it could work….right? I’m at 58 now. 63. Well, I suppose I may as well pretend to be an actual writer since I have about 16 words left now.
The actual writing follows:

The blue winter moon cried into the shadow of a tall cedar. The tall cedar swayed (100!) and stretched her heavy boughs toward her beloved moon. One bound to the heavens, the other to earth, the tears of their torment frozen in time. Thick flakes of soft snow light upon my brow. Another all too brief reminder of what will never be.



Hikialani said...

Sounds like it's cut right out of a novella. Also what's with the random pink words?

Abigail_Morris said...

It's a joke, silly! Not random at all.